videoVideos are great to engage with your audience and offer a glimpse into your work. Our top tips will help you to plan, create and share amazing video content.

  1. When deciding on your video topic be honest about whether or not people outside your organisation would find it interesting. As a general rule, focus on people – the people who work or volunteer for you and the people you help – rather than your organisation.
  2. Before you start filming sit down and think about what you want from the video. Use Technology Trust’s PAMS ARM acronym to guide your planning:
    PAMS ARM acronym
  3. Keep it simple. Don’t try to cover too much in your video and don’t try to recreate high-budget looks on a shoestring. Instead use simple approaches which speak directly to the viewer like hand written signs.
  4. Make the call to action clear and immediately actionable. Use call to action overlays to let people know exactly what they should do next.
  5. Don’t focus on going viral or racking up views, focus on outcomes. Look back at what response you wanted people to have to the video. Can you measure this?
  6. Share everywhere. Upload your video to YouTube, embed it on your website and remember to share it on social media.

Download a participant release form here.