If you have coffee morning that’s an activity, if you have an activity that happened at a specific place and time that member of the public attend you have an event. You might not think some of your...
What if I don’t have any shops?
If you don’t have shops, you don’t have to action anything for this. That section will remain empty, and we will not add a shops tab on your website. If this changes, please let us know and we wil...
Can I share events and activities run by our third parties?
You can do this in the Community signpost section. This simply gives information for the event and/or activity being run and directs people to the relevant location and third-party website for more in...
Can I specify members only activities & events?
You can state the catchment area requirements for each activities & events including fees for non-catchment area attendees.
Can we host virtual events via the portal?
You can use the portal to add a virtual event to your Activities & Events section. On this, you include the link for people to either register or join the event with. You select online/virtual eve...
Can we add images, videos, and other media?
With every entry within the portal, you have the functionality to insert the URL of an image which will then display when viewing the entry on a webpage. You can also add external media links such as ...
How do we preview our content before publishing?
Currently, before your Sprint starts, we will provide you hidden CMS links for the Services, Activities & Events and Shops sections to be viewed on your website pages.
Can I copy CMS/Website content and paste into the portal?
We do not advise you do this as we hope from rationalising your data before putting it into the portal, you will have a more concise data relevant to the way the portal works.
What sections do we need to add categories?
You will need to add categories to your Locations, Services, Activities & Events and Community Signposts. This allows for the system’s filter to work properly.
How do we put our content into the portal?
From logging in via www.ageuk.microsoftcrmportals.com, you populate the sections using the following guide for each section.